It was my distinct honor to keynote the New England Water Works Association Annual Conference in Cape Cod, Mass this past week. It was a truly uplifting and great experience from start to finish! By far one of the best conferences I have ever attended! Thank you to everyone up there who made me feel so welcome. I know that most of them could barely understand my southern dialect but all were extremely friendly and made the trip a quite memorable experience… surely something I needed after the recent loss of my mother.
Next week, I am in New Orleans speaking multiple times at the Water Environment Federation’s WEFTEC conference. WEFTEC is the largest utilities trade show on the planet and, somehow, I managed to volunteer for more activities there than there are hours in the conference! I’m speaking at a financial planning workshop, two technical sessions on HR subjects, an elected officials workshop, three committee meetings and at least two dinners out. As much as I love giving away information, somewhere in all of that, I need to find time to gather information to help me and my utility out, too! I hate to be short here, but I have a lot to do yet to be fully prepared.
In my next post, I’ll explain why most utility companies and Lindsey Lohan have a lot in common… and that is NOT meant as a compliment! Stay tuned!!